Introducing the New

“Supreme Hybrid Massage


The most advanced automated massage system in the world with true Zero Gravity 6G roller technology.

Easy to use, User friendly graphic touch screen control with 12 professional designed selectable massage programs with 3 levels of intensity

Patented leg rest with heated massage

50 layer airbag system for a Japanese Shiatsu compression massager

Zero Gravity massage and stretch programs.

What is Massage Lounger ?

A Massage lounger is an computerized robotic automated massage system that will give a touchless massage to alleviate aches, pains and soreness, in addition to stretching your body while at the same time provide various compression and roller technology on your shoulders, hands,hips, calves, feet.

What are the Benefits of a Massage Lounger?

Japanese Shiatsu Massage: built-in airbags use compression technology to massage muscles in the arms, shoulders, hips waist, legs, and feet. Precisely programmed to rhythmically inflate or deflate in concert with the mechanics of the lounger.

HybriFlex makes a deeper inverted bend possible for the first time. Users get the deepest, most natural muscle stretch.

Selectable programs to meet all your various body needs including: Mood-based Program,Targeted body part programs

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